Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sunday Schooled

So, we're trying to start a new Bible study at my church for...young women? Youngish women? Women who are too old to be in the youth group but not quite up to the ladies' class yet?

It's a little bumpy. So far we have had plenty of interest, but uneven participation. We're almost through our first book and we're going to start the next one. I'm hoping the next book will spur a little bit more active interest. I think people WANT the class. However, most of us who are participating also want...that extra time in the morning. hah. There' hasn't really been a class at my church for this age group, and we aren't used to having to get up in time for Sunday School. So, we were off to a good start and have had a new bumps since then.

I wanted to start this class, but I had a lot of support doing it from people who were interested in attending, and two other women helped me plan it. I was struggling at church. I want to be an active part of the church but I feel like maybe there's no place for that to happen. This class is my attempt to find another way to be part of the church. I know that I'm not alone in that, because I've heard the same thing from other women in the church.

So why is it so hard to feel like this is taking off? Has anyone else gone through something like this? Have any suggestions?

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