Well. I'm so bad at NaNoBloMo that I already missed two days and it's only day four, but I'm gonna keep trying.
I was mostly offline over the weekend because I was visiting my mom. I don't listen to a lot of podcasts but it takes me a few hours to get to her house so it's a good time for me to get caught up.
The only two that I listen to consistently are Spilled Milk and the Bad Yogi Podcast. They both had fairly recent episodes on meal planning. Since these particular podcasts don't have much overlap, I couldn't resist listening to the episodes back to back.
Both of them were interesting. The Spilled Milk podcast was a little more real for me though. They both had good tips and helpful information though.
IF you haven't listened to either of them before, Spilled Milk is sort of a food comedy podcast and The Bad Yogi podcast features Erin Motz (aka the Bad Yogi) interviewing people about different health and wellness topics. I recommend both of them.
Do you do any meal planning? I try but I'm not great at it. It's definitely something I want to get more on track with, not just for health but also for budgeting. I am not good about keeping organized. I walk through the grocery store and think about what looks good, but then I get home and it doesn't really come together into meals. Like...what do you even do with Napa cabbage,guys? I don't know, but I bought it. It's sitting in the fridge, judging me, right now. I can feel it
Do you meal plan? Do you listen to podcasts? Do you have any podcast recommendations or, more pressingly, a favorite podcast app? Since I switched to an iPhone I've been using the podcasting app it came with and it's not...very good? I still can't figure out how to make a playlist or if I even can so if you have either instructions for that or you know...just a less terrible app, that would be great.
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