Sunday, November 4, 2018

Meal Planning and Podcasts

Well. I'm so bad at NaNoBloMo that I already missed two days and it's only day four, but I'm gonna keep trying.

I was mostly offline over the weekend because I was visiting my mom. I don't listen to a lot of podcasts but it takes me a few hours to get to her house so it's a good time for me to get caught up.

The only two that I listen to consistently are Spilled Milk and the Bad Yogi Podcast. They both had fairly recent episodes on meal planning.  Since these particular podcasts don't have much overlap, I couldn't resist listening to the episodes back to back.

Both of them were interesting. The Spilled Milk podcast was a little more real for me though. They both had good tips and helpful information though.

IF you haven't listened to either of them before, Spilled Milk is sort of a food comedy podcast and The Bad Yogi podcast features Erin Motz (aka the Bad Yogi) interviewing people about different health and wellness topics. I recommend both of them.

Do you do any meal planning? I try but I'm not great at it. It's definitely something I want to get more on track with, not just for health but also for budgeting. I am not good about keeping organized. I walk through the grocery store and think about what looks good, but then I get home and it doesn't really come together into meals. Like...what do you even do with Napa cabbage,guys? I don't know, but I bought it. It's sitting in the fridge, judging me, right now. I can feel it

Do  you meal plan? Do  you listen to podcasts? Do you have any podcast recommendations or, more pressingly, a favorite podcast app? Since I switched to an iPhone I've been using the podcasting app it came with and it's not...very good? I still can't figure out how to make a playlist or if I even can so if you  have either instructions for that or you know...just a less terrible app, that would be great.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

crankypants is trying

So I am terrible at social media. Almost as bad as I am at blogging. Nevertheless, I have ventured into the world of Instagram. This probably means it isn't cool anymore so expect any and all teenagers to abandon the platform immediately. You can find me there under crankypants makes: No matter how much the world changes I will pretty much always be cranky so it seemed like a good name to stick with.

I have been making stuff lately. I had a summer of making. Took classes at the local extension office and learned to make baskets and dye fabric and got inspired to get back into sewing. That's been a little bit of a hard row to hoe because my sewing machine, an ancient and blessed Singer that my mom handed down to me, died. I hope to find a repairman to revive it, but so far it's resting peacefully in the guest room closet. I bought a replacement which turned out to be a lemon, and was once again without a machine I have recently purchased a refurbished Juki.

A refurbished Juki was the only way I could afford one and keep both my kidneys. They are supposed to be great machines and absolute workhorses but the fact that it doesn't come with a manufacturer's warranty makes me sweat a little as even refurbed it was a liiiiiiitle bit painful.

So far I have been working on Christmas presents and projects. I have started my first quilt but I'm so nervous about messing it up that it is going very slowly. It's a Christmas tree quilt and at the current rate I expect it to be done sometime next Christmas.

My next small projects are making draft stoppers for my doors and windows attempting to make a yoga bolster.

I am also going to attempt to celebrate the now (mostly) defunct National Blog Post Month by keeping up here for at least a month. I should probably figure out how to do this on my phone so I don't miss weekends.

Happy November to anyone who's still out there!